Fields Family Farms: Unicorn Gas 💨

🦄✨ Today we’re diving headfirst into the enchanting world of “Unicorn Gas” – a strain so mystical it’ll make you question reality faster than a rabbit hole on acid! 🍇💨

Buds so vibrant they make rainbows look dull. Deep purples, royal blues, and greens that’ll make you believe you stumbled into a psychedelic fairy tale. And those trichomes? Oh, they’re not just trichomes; they’re tiny flecks of pure magic, twinkling like they’ve been kissed by unicorns themselves! 🌈✨

Now, let’s talk scent. Brace yourself for a whiff of sweet, fruity aromas that’ll transport you to a berry-filled wonderland, with just a hint of floral goodness. It’s like being under a spell – but trust me, you won’t want to break free! 🌸🍓

When you spark up Unicorn Gas, get ready for a high that’ll send you to the moon and back. It starts with a gentle buzz that’ll have your creative juices flowing faster than you can say “magic carpet ride.” 🧞‍♂️✨ And as you float along, your worries will melt away, leaving you in a state of pure, unadulterated bliss.

Now, onto the real talk. I tried this baby in pre-roll form, and let me tell you – it was a rollercoaster of emotions. First, the struggle to light it was real. I’m talking Herculean effort levels just to get a puff! 😤 But once it was lit, WHOA, hold onto your hats, folks!

Sure, the joint got funky real quick, bending and shedding its cherry like it was trying out for a contortionist gig. But despite the struggle, the high was worth every moment. Two hits in, and I was off to the stars, cruising through the cosmos like I owned the place. 🚀

But the high lasted for what felt like eons. My head was floating in the stratosphere while my body was down on Earth, doing its thing like a champ. 🌍💫

So, despite the joint’s quirks, I’m giving Unicorn Gas a solid 3.5 out of 5 on the mug scale. It would’ve been higher if not for the joint’s shenanigans. But hey, when the high is this good, who cares about a little struggle, right? 😉

Ready to embark on your own magical journey? Hit up and mention The Mikey Podcast for a sweet surprise. Trust me, you won’t regret it! 🎁🌿

10 Conspiracies That Actually Came True

1. Project Sunshine: The Baby Harvest

Conspiracy: The government was snatching dead bodies to perform radioactive tests.

Truth: Well, they weren’t exactly grave robbers. They were more like body part enthusiasts. The U.S. government needed young tissue for their nuclear fallout studies. So, they recruited a global network of agents to discreetly collect samples and limbs from recently deceased babies. Over 1,500 grieving families were blissfully unaware

2. Prohibition Poison Party

Conspiracy: During Prohibition, the government poisoned alcohol to curb drinking.

Truth: Turns out, Uncle Sam was the ultimate party crasher. Booze manufacturers had been spiking their hooch with dangerous chemicals for years. But between 1926 and 1933, the feds upped the ante. They pushed for stronger poisons to discourage bootleggers from turning alcohol into moonshine. Result? Over 10,000 Americans met their demise via tainted cocktails. Cheers!

3. Edith Wilson: The Real Commander-in-Chief

Conspiracy: President Woodrow Wilson’s stroke left him incapacitated, and his wife secretly took charge.

Truth: Edith Wilson wasn’t just a First Lady; she was the First Boss. When Woodrow suffered a debilitating stroke, the government decided to keep it hush-hush. For over a year, Edith was effectively running the show. She claimed to be a mere “steward,” but historians know better. Move over, Woodrow—Edith’s got this!

4. MK-ULTRA: Mind Control, LSD, and You

Conspiracy: The CIA experimented with LSD and mind control on unsuspecting Americans.

Truth: MK-ULTRA wasn’t a sci-fi flick; it was real. The CIA dosed folks with hallucinogens, hoping to unlock their inner spies. Imagine unsuspecting office workers tripping balls during their coffee breaks. The program was so wild that even Hunter S. Thompson would’ve said, “Whoa, man!”

5. Operation Mockingbird: Media Manipulation

Conspiracy: The CIA infiltrated the media to control the narrative.

Truth: Forget “fake news.” Operation Mockingbird was the OG. The CIA cozied up to journalists, editors, and publishers, pulling their strings like puppet masters. They spread propaganda, manipulated stories, and whispered, “Psst, print this.” The Fourth Estate? More like the Fourth Spy Agency

6. Operation Paperclip: Nazi Scientists, American Dreams

Conspiracy: After World War II, the U.S. smuggled Nazi scientists into the country like they were exotic pets.

Truth: Forget Area 51; Operation Paperclip was the real alien landing. The CIA and military scooped up German rocket scientists, mind control experts, and probably a few schnitzel chefs. These former Third Reich brainiacs helped kickstart the space race and the Cold War. Danke schön, Adolf!

7. COINTELPRO: The FBI’s Petty Vendetta

Conspiracy: The FBI infiltrated civil rights groups, anti-war activists, and even Slayer fan clubs.

Truth: J. Edgar Hoover wasn’t just a snappy dresser; he was also a paranoid puppet master. COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) aimed to disrupt and discredit anyone who dared question authority. They wiretapped Martin Luther King Jr., spread rumors about Slayer’s satanic rituals, and probably stole Mikey’s lunch money

8. Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment: Medical Malpractice, Yeehaw!

Conspiracy: The government infected poor African American men with syphilis just to see what happens.

Truth: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was like a twisted episode of “Dr. Oz.” From 1932 to 1972, the U.S. Public Health Service studied untreated syphilis in unsuspecting black men. They promised free healthcare but delivered deception, suffering, and a side of racism. It’s like they took the Hippocratic Oath and replaced it with “Yeehaw!”

9. PRISM: The NSA’s Peeping Tom

Conspiracy: The NSA was spying on everyone, even your grandma’s cat videos.

Truth: PRISM wasn’t just a rainbow; it was a surveillance kaleidoscope. Edward Snowden blew the whistle on this digital peep show. The NSA tapped into Google, Facebook, and your neighbor’s Wi-Fi. They collected more data than a Slayer mosh pit. So next time you post a selfie, just know—Uncle Sam’s watching

10. The Church Committee: When Senators Got Spicy

Conspiracy: The U.S. government was up to some shady stuff, and Congress wanted answers.

Truth: In the ’70s, the Church Committee (led by Senator Frank Church) exposed the CIA’s dirty laundry. Assassination plots, mind control experiments, and secret coups—it was like a James Bond movie, but with more bureaucracy. They even revealed that Elvis was an undercover agent. Okay, maybe not Elvis, but you get the idea

A Taste of Madness With Banana Runtz

Another Weekly Weed Review thank

Gather ’round, fellow travelers of the twisted and surreal, for we’re embarking on a journey into the heart of madness with Fields Family Farms’ Banana Runts.

Now, before you go dismissing this as just another trip down candy lane, let me assure you, this is a ride you won’t soon forget. Imagine, if you will, a joint infused with the essence of diamonds, rolled in cannabis oil and keif, a concoction so potent it could make even the most seasoned stoner question reality.

This joint, my friends, it looked like it had seen the depths of hell and back, but as they say, looks can be deceiving. Upon lighting up, I was greeted with a taste sensation that was far from bananas or runts, yet somehow transcended the mundane to deliver a flavor profile that danced on the tongue like a psychedelic symphony.

The aroma, oh the aroma, it was like a siren’s call, luring me deeper into the rabbit hole of intoxication. But it wasn’t just the taste and smell that left me reeling; oh no, it was the high itself that truly caught me off guard. At first, it was like a bolt of creative energy coursing through my veins, igniting my senses and setting my mind ablaze with possibilities.

I felt like I could conquer the world, one wild idea at a time. Yet, just when I thought I had it all figured out, about 20 minutes later, it hit me like a freight train barreling through the night. Suddenly, the world around me took on a surreal hue, and before I knew it, I was careening headfirst into the abyss of unconsciousness, passed out cold on the couch.

But fear not, dear readers, for even in the depths of my weed-induced slumber, I could still feel the faint whisper of Banana Runts lingering on my lips, a reminder of the wild ride I had just experienced. So, on the scale of 0 to 5 nugs, this twisted masterpiece gets a solid 4 from yours truly.

But heed my warning, my fellow adventurers, for Banana Runts is not for the faint of heart.

Order some now from but approach with caution, embrace the madness, and remember, stay safe, stay weird, and question everything.

🎸 Aftershock Festival Survival Kit Giveaway: Rock On!

Sacramento, California – The air crackles with anticipation, the scent of rebellion hangs heavy, and the stage lights flicker to life. It’s that time of year again, my fellow misfits, when the earth trembles under the weight of raw energy and the decibels reach stratospheric levels. Yes, you guessed it: Festival season is upon us, and it’s time to unleash the rock ‘n’ roll beast within and win Aftershock 2024 weekend passes from The Mikey Podcast

🤘 The Ultimate Survival Kit: Your Ticket to Rock Immortality

Picture this: two 4-day passes to the most electrifying music festival where the gods of distortion, the wizards of wail, and the riff lords themselves converge to create a seismic symphony that’ll rattle your bones and ignite your soul.

🎟️ How to Enter

1. Follow the Holy Trinity: You must be following these accounts on Instagram at the time of the cosmic drawing:

@i_am_mikey: The enigmatic maestro behind the mic, the voice that pierces through the noise like a lightning bolt.

@themikeypodcast: Where truth meets chaos, where Mikey spills the beans, and where the unfiltered tales of rock ‘n’ roll unfold.

@aftershockFestival: The gatekeepers to the rock utopia, the architects of auditory ecstasy.

2. Double-Tap That Love Button: Like this post on Instagram

Show your devotion to the Mikey Podcast and Aftershock. Let your heartstrings resonate like a distorted power chord.

3. Summon the Hashtag: Drop a comment using the hashtag #themikeypodcast and tag the person you want to share this rock odyssey with. Who’s your partner in crime? Your fellow headbanger? Your soulmate in distortion? Let the universe know.

4. Spread the Gospel: Share the post to your Instagram story. Let it echo through the digital canyons. Let it reach the ears of those who crave the riff, the rhythm, and the righteous rebellion. 📲🎁

🎁 What’s Inside the Aftershock Festival Survival Kit?

This isn’t just any survival kit; it’s the holy grail for rock warriors. When you’re knee-deep in mosh pits and lost in guitar solos, these treasures will keep you alive, kicking, and ready to throw devil horns:

2 Weekend Wristbands to Aftershock 2024: Your golden tickets to the rock ‘n’ roll circus.

Festival-Approved Refillable Water Bottle: Stay hydrated, my friends. Rock ‘n’ roll is thirsty work.

Mikey Podcast/Aftershock T-shirt: Wear it like a badge of honor. Let the world know you’re part of the tribe.

Mikey Podcast Hat: Shield your eyes from the cosmic riffs. Look damn cool doing it.

Lanyard: Keep your backstage pass close. You never know when you’ll bump into a guitar god.

Hand Sanitizer: Because even rock stars need clean hands. Rock ‘n’ roll hygiene, folks!

Festival-Approved Bag: Toss in your hopes, dreams, and a spare set of drumsticks. You’re ready.

📅 The Countdown Begins

Mark your calendars, my fellow rock renegades. The 1st lucky winner will be chosen by the cosmic forces on April 26th during the legendary Freeloader Friday Live. Will it be you? Will you ascend to rock Valhalla? Will your name echo through the halls of distortion?

🔥 Don’t miss your shot! Let’s crank up the amps, raise our lighters, and summon the rock gods. May the odds be ever in your favor, and may the riff be with you. Good luck, my wild ones! 🍀🤘

WWR! Blue Dream 💨

Ah, Blue Dream… where dreams are always blue and the skies are endlessly high. If you’re in the market for a strain that’s the equivalent of a motivational speaker on steroids, then look no further, my friends. Time Machines Blue Dream doesn’t just lift you up, it launches you into orbit like Elon Musk on a caffeine high.

If you’ve been a following me over the years yo might know that I have my favorites…Green Crack, Super Silver Haze, and of course, the one that’s stealing the show – Blue Dream. I’ve been riding this wave since it hit the scene in the early 2000s. It’s like the OG of my smoking career, the holy grail, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And let me tell you, this Time Machine brand? Is budget friendly and just as good as any other brand except you get tiny nugs.

But who cares about size when you’re just gonna grind ’em up and blaze away, right? As the Queen of suicides once said, “At this point, what difference does it make?” (and yes, I’m talking about Killary Clinton, folks).

Now, let’s get down to business. Blue Dream isn’t just your run-of-the-mill strain; it’s the Swiss Army knife of the cannabis world. Need energy? Hit the Blue Dream. Want to unleash your inner Picasso? Blue Dream it is. Feeling frisky? Well, it won’t turn you into a walking hormone, but it’ll definitely set the mood for some cosmic cuddling.

And the best part? No harsh hits, no anxiety, and no munchies. It’s like a magical potion brewed by Gandalf himself. Smoke it all day long and wake up the next morning feeling fresher than a daisy in a field of daisies.

But wait, there’s more! Blue Dream is like a hybrid lovechild of Einstein and the Dalai Lama. Your mind’s racing a mile a minute while your body’s chilling like a villain. It’s like having a mental rave while your body’s lounging on the couch, sipping a pina colada

And let me tell you about the bedtime story Blue Dream tells. When the clock strikes late, this stuff doesn’t mess around. It tucks you into bed like a caring grandma, whispering sweet dreams into your ear. But if you decide to defy the Sandman and stay active, well, strap in, because you’re about to pull a Forrest Gump and run like the

Now, Time Machine isn’t just serving up your grandma’s garden variety weed. They’ve got a whole lineup that’ll make your head spin faster than a tilt-a-whirl on steroids. From Wedding Cake to London Pound Cake, they’ve got flavors for every palate.

But what sets Time Machine apart isn’t just their primo product; it’s their whole vibe. I’m talking interactive, graphic-novel-themed packaging that’s cooler than a polar bear in shades. Each puff comes with a side of storytelling, courtesy of QR codes that whisk you away on a journey through the cosmos.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a trip to the stars without leaving your living room, then hop aboard the Time Machine Blue Dream express from Cali Gold, the official sponsor of The Mikey Podcast, where weirdness is a way of life and creativity flows like… well, like Blue Dream on a sunny day.

So tap that link, place your order, and get ready to blast off into a world where the sky’s the limit and the dreams are always blue.

Fluorescent Fumes: A Psychedelic Odyssey

I stumbled into my dimly lit living room, the acrid smoke of Cali’s finest clinging to my clothes like a desperate lover. The aftertaste lingered, a bitter reminder of the forbidden pleasures I’d just indulged in. But then, an unexpected twist… the room shifted, and an eerie smell enveloped me. It was familiar, like a half-remembered nightmare from my youth.

Huffing paint. The garage. My cousin Chuck.

We were reckless, teetering on the edge of oblivion. Death was our constant companion, lurking in the shadows, grinning like a deranged carnival barker. Parma, Ohio… a place where dreams went to die, and the mundane was a psychedelic trip in itself.

Chuck, that mad bastard, moved in with me at my mom’s house. Our grand plan? To work together, side by side, conquering the world. Or maybe just the local pizza joint. But fate had other ideas.

The garage became our sanctuary… a sweltering cocoon in a hot Ohio summer where time warped and reality unraveled. Chuck and I, like deranged alchemists, brewed our elixir of madness: fluorescent green spray paint, stolen from my dad’s garage or my grandpa’s toolshed, I can’t recall which. The details blur, like the edges of reality when you’re high on fumes.

We’d light our cigarettes, the glowing tips like beacons in the dimness. The garage door shut, sealing us off from the world. The canister of neon intoxication sat on the workbench, its label worn and cryptic. We’d shake it, listen to the rattle of forbidden knowledge, and then plunge into the abyss.

We sprayed it into bags, inhaled deeply, and ascended. The world dissolved, replaced by a kaleidoscope of neon hues.

The first huff was a revelation. The garage walls wavered, and Chuck’s face contorted into a grotesque grin. We’d giggle like lunatics, our laughter echoing off the rusty tools and forgotten memories. We entered a realm I can only describe as “spy vs. spy inside Fortnite.” Imagine pixelated chaos, a psychedelic battleground where secret agents battled for supremacy, fueled by our chemical concoction.

The fluorescent demons danced, their pixelated forms mocking our mortal existence. Spy vs. spy, reality vs. delusion—we straddled the fault line.

Hours melted away. The garage became a fever dream… a fever dream within a fever dream. We’d chase each other, our footsteps echoing like distant gunshots. Chuck would morph into a giant spy, his trench coat flapping in the toxic breeze. I’d wield a pixelated sword, slashing at imaginary foes. The paint fumes fueled our madness, our minds spiraling into oblivion.

And then, the terror set in. The walls moved closer and closer, and the fluorescent demons taunted us. Spy vs. spy took a dark turn. Were we the heroes or the villains? It didn’t matter. We were trapped, our minds unraveling like cheap sweaters. Reality splintered, and I glimpsed the void—the abyss that had swallowed countless souls before us.

And then, the crash. Reality reasserted itself—the sticky floor, the flickering fluorescent bulb, the taste of metal on our tongues.

Chuck collapsed on the garage floor, gasping for air. I clung to the edge of sanity, my heart pounding like a jackhammer. We’d glimpsed the abyss, danced with death, and emerged—changed.

“We have to stop,” I said. “It’s eating us alive.”

As abruptly as it began, it ended.

Chuck moved out soon after. The fluorescent green can vanished, but its memory haunted me. I never huffed paint again, but that pixelated utopia lingered, a warning etched into my synapses. Life in Parma remained mundane, but I knew the truth: We’d touched something beyond the veil. Spy vs. spy, neon and nightmare—it was all there, waiting for the next fool to inhale the fumes and ascend.

So here I am, recounting our reckless escapade. Chuck, if you’re out there, remember: We danced with madness, and for a brief, terrifying moment, we were gods. And the fluorescent green? It still whispers my name in the dead of night, promising secrets and oblivion.

The Great Sake Bomb Massacre

So there I was, dragged into the neon abyss of Sin City, not out of desire but necessity. The exorbitant cost of California living had me shackled to a job I neither loathed nor excelled at, just enough to keep the family fed and the podcast rolling. But hey, it came with perks—like mandatory treks to San Diego, the cesspool of LA, and the glittering mirage of Las Vegas.

What’s my gig, you ask? Irrelevant. What matters is Vegas, baby.

Nestled in the bowels of The Mirage, an ancient relic oozing with the stench of bygone eras and stale tobacco, I pondered my existence amidst kitschy decor straight out of Grandma’s basement.

But this wasn’t your typical Vegas romp; it was a corporate circus. Rubbing elbows with suits I’d never otherwise acknowledge, I paraded through conferences, spewing jargon like a malfunctioning buzzword generator.

One evening, we found ourselves at Benihana—a tourist trap masquerading as a culinary experience. Three hours of onion volcanoes and airborne shrimp left me smelling like a hibachi grill’s illicit affair with MSG. Sake bombs ensued, accompanied by raucous chants, almost resembling a racial slur in an accent I dare not replicate.

The following day brought more charades of competence, culminating in an excursion to the newly christened Las Vegas Sphere. Amidst AI greeters and digital scans promising entry into some Orwellian metaverse, I opted out—FBI, take note.

The show inside was a psychedelic sermon on humanity’s folly, a woke manifesto accompanied by sensory overload. For a moment, I teetered on the brink of existential revelation, tripping balls in a spherical cathedral of enlightenment.

But alas, reality beckoned. Back in my room, amidst the haze of intoxication, I reflected on the casino floor—a tableau of despair and depleted fortunes. Disheartened, I retreated, pondering the irony of an old woman seeking directions to Planet 13, the cannabis superstore.

That brings us to the end of this uninspiring trip to land of greed, Next time, Vegas, it’ll be on my terms—sans corporate shackles and with chosen companions. No more pretense, just pure, unadulterated debauchery.

Stick it to the System and Embrace the Chaos


Welcome to another Freeloader Friday on The Mikey Podcast! In this episode we’re diving headfirst into a whirlwind of chaos, laughter, and unfiltered truth. From tech troubles to personal revelations, societal critiques to downright bizarre topics, this episode has it all.


Ever felt like you’re wrestling a greased-up bear while trying to stream on YouTube? Well, that’s just another day in the life of The Mikey Podcast. Join me as I navigate the treacherous waters of online censorship, tech glitches, and the constant struggle for creative freedom. Hint: Rumble might just be the lifeline we’ve been waiting for.

But speaking of lifelines, let’s dive the joys of staring into the existential abyss and wondering, “Who am I, really?” Join me as I bare my soul and share the ups and downs of my own identity journey. Spoiler alert: it’s a ride filled with twists, turns, and more than a few awkward moments.

But it’s not at all a therapy episode because it was Groundhog Day … again.

Let’s talk about Pennsylvania – In this episode I take aim at the Keystone State with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. From Punxsutawney Phil’s questionable predictions to the downright absurdity of Amish lifestyle, no tradition is safe. Sorry, Pennsylvania – consider this your official roast!

Come to think about it, it’s gotta be hard living in such a lot of despair like Pennsylvania.

It’s already tough everywhere else, just imagine living in PA!?

Get ready to Grab your tissues and prepare to commiserate as I explore the soul-crushing abyss of financial responsibilities, skyrocketing living costs, and the joy of handing over your hard-earned cash to the taxman. Spoiler alert: it’s not pretty, but at least we’re all in this mess together. So wipe away those tears and let’s laugh through the pain!

Now if you thought financial woes were bad, just wait until you hear about California’s latest venture into the world of recycled wastewater.

Like … WTF California? Coming Soon: Poop Water!

We’ll dive headfirst into the murky waters of California’s latest venture – turning sewage into drinking water. It’s a topic so bizarre, you’ll question whether you’re living in a dystopian novel or just a really messed-up reality show. So grab your favorite beverage (not from California, preferably) and let’s unravel the mysteries of poop water together!

Look, In this Freeloader Friday episode of The Mikey Podcast, we’ve laughed, we’ve cried, and we’ve probably offended a few people along the way. But hey, that’s just how we roll. So why not stick around and join the conversation? Listen or watch to the full episode here and remember – question everything.


The Mikey Podcast is made possible by awesome free thinkers like you. Join the Sub-Club for an ad-free VIP video experience, subscriber-only blogs, and more exclusive content. Click here to join now and become part of the rebellion against the mundane.

From Cocaine to Caffeine: The Bumpy Ride of The Mikey Podcast

Yo! Welcome Mikey Podcast fans! Ready for another wild ride down the rabbit hole of my adventures?

In this latest installment of Freeloader Friday, I’ll take you down memory lane, sharing my wild experiences with the infamous white powder that once dominated the party scene. This story are outrageous, hilarious, and perhaps a little cringe-worthy, but fear not, I have bid farewell to those days.

Then brace yourselves for the revelation of a new sensation that’s sweeping the nation – “Want a Bump.”

No, it’s not what you think. It’s a legal, powder form of caffeine that’s making waves in the world of energy boosts.

We’ll discuss the bizarre world of snortable caffeine, questioning the sanity of those who seek instant energy through nasal absorption.

Curious about this peculiar trend? We explore the ups and downs (pun intended) of this legal stimulant.

And here’s the thing – you can join the fun! I’m contemplating trying out “Want a Bump” live on the next episode. Will I take the plunge, or is this just another caffeine-fueled fantasy?

Whether you’re a seasoned listener or a first-timer, this episode promises laughter, disbelief, and a healthy dose of me. Don’t miss out on the chaos – tune in now for free or become a Sub-Club member for an ad-free video experience.

Support the show, embrace the madness, and become a true Mikey VIP!


San Fran’s ‘Glow-Up! Because Avocado Toast Won’t Fix Everything

Guess what? I’ve got the 411 on San Francisco’s surprise makeover, brought to you by a communist leader and a certain forgetful friend. Because, let’s face it, nothing says “fixing the city” like planting trees and pretending homelessness vanished into thin air.

In this week’s episode, I’m pulling back the curtain on the city’s Cinderella moment – or as we like to call it, the avant-garde approach to urban problem-solving. We’ve got cleaner streets, spruced-up buildings, and art that magically appears. Abracadabra, San Fran style!

But hold on to your avocado toast There’s more.

I’m decoding Assembly Bill 873 – Gavin’s latest masterpiece. Spoiler alert: It involves teaching media literacy to kids because, you know, the internet is the new wild west, and apparently, our kids are the sheriff.

And since I love to keep it real, I’m diving into the world of media literacy – because who needs parents guiding their kids through the internet when you have government-approved lessons?

Now, here’s the kicker – you can feast your ears on all this absurdity FOR FREE! Yep, no hidden fees, just unfiltered, sarcastic commentary. Click that play button and let the eye-rolls commence.

But hey, if you’re feeling extra fancy and want a visual ad-free experience (because who needs interruptions when you’re decoding life’s mysteries?), join the Sub-Club. It’s like a VIP section for your eyes.

🎙️ [Tap Here] – Free Ear Candy

🚀 [Tap Here for Sub-Club signup] – Exclusive Access (because exclusivity is still a thing, apparently)


Inside the Scandal

Hey Freeloaders!

Ever wonder what goes on beyond the audio waves? Sub-Club members got an exclusive lowdown on a local radio DJs DUI saga, and it’s time for you to be in the know.

Picture this: November 3rd, 2 PM – His residence surrounded by police cars. His wife in cuffs, allegedly facing a DV charge. Drama unfolds, and then comes the shocker.

A few hours later, he decides to take a drive.

This isn’t your usual celebrity scandal. His choices have consequences – his company, co-hosts, sponsors, all caught in the whirlwind.

A vodka company, his major sponsor. Can they wash their hands of his reckless actions?

This isn’t a gossip session either. It’s a shout-out for accountability. His choices affect not just his life but the lives intertwined with his career.

His company’s response? Silence. Sponsors? Zilch. It speaks volumes about their priorities.

And this goes beyond a local celeb’s legal mess. It’s about a man with plenty of resources opting for a dangerous joyride.

Missed Monday’s free video episode? Catch it HERE. It’s a call to action – a plea to prioritize responsibility, especially as we approach the holiday season.

For more videos, blogs and coming soon BTS content unlock the Sub-Club and support independent media

Bizarre Encounters with Gavin, Candy Heists, and A Mikey Podcast Christmas!

First things first, let’s talk about the upcoming extravaganza we’re all waiting for – A Mikey Podcast Christmas! Sponsored by Hanford Sand and Gravel (you know, those rock-solid folks), this event will be the holiday celebration of the year.

Think of it as a combination of Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and a wild house party all rolled into one. Mark your calendars for December 8th and don’t even think about missing it! 🎄🎉

We’ve got a handful of incredible sponsors on board too – Karricker Customs fretted instrument maintenance expert (for when your banjo gets all moody), Middlescapes landscaping (because your garden deserves love, too), The Wrecking Crew bakery and café in Colfax, and Better Together Entertainment (who are genuinely better when they’re together).

These sponsors are the real MVPs, and we salute their awesomeness. 🙌

Gavin Newsom Beat up a Chinese Kid …

Now, let’s dive into the world of Gavin Newsom. Our hotheaded governor attempted to prove his basketball skills, or lack there of, with a group of Chinese children.

But, instead of slam-dunking, things took an unexpected turn. Gavin tried to spin the ball on his finger, but honestly, it looked like he was trying to summon an alien invasion. Then, things got even stranger as he ended up…well, I’ll let you watch or listen to the episode for the full scoop. All we can say is, it’s truly a moment you’ll want to witness. We should probably call CPS on him.

Halloween Candy Theives

Have you seen the video? Picture this: an entire family swiping a bowl of candy left out for trick-or-treaters. I have some strong opinions on this candy heist. We’re left wondering important questions, like, “What are they teaching their kids?”

WW3 & GenZ

Also, is GenZ ready for WW3? If I’m being honest, which I am, I’m a little worried about those people defending freedom and protecting America.

We might be screwed.

If you haven’t already, it’s time to plug in your headphones or crank up the speakers and dive headfirst into this episode. Prepare for a rollercoaster of topics and emotions, all served with a side of humor and comments from the audience because this is a Freeloader Friday Live episode.

And, if you enjoy what you hear or see (which I’m almost sure you will), be a superhero and hit that subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform.

Plus while you’re here, join the Sub-Club it’s like donating to an independent media revolution, and we promise, you’ll sleep better at night knowing you’re supporting the good guys. 💪

So, don’t wait – get listening, get laughing, and get involved in the wild world of The Mikey Podcast. You won’t regret it!

Reflecting on the Tragedy of Drunk Driving: A Personal Perspective

It's not often we truly contemplate the strange sadness that accompanies hearing about the death of someone we knew, even if we weren't close friends.

It’s a weird feeling, a blend of familiarity and detachment.

Over the weekend, I lost a friend, or more accurately, someone I knew from our time working together a while back. His name is Foz, a friendly soul, and he had a passion for radio that I greatly admired. We weren't close outside of the workplace, but in those years . . .

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The Grandma Serial Killer

Have you ever wondered about the hidden stories behind seemingly ordinary houses? The kind you pass by every day without giving a second thought, until you learn what secrets they hold. In the latest episode of *The Mikey Podcast*, we’re about to take you on a bone-chilling journey into a world that’s as fascinating as it is horrifying.

Picture this: a cozy boarding house in the heart of Sacramento during the 1980s. It sounds inviting, almost like a scene from a charming period piece. But behind the quaint exterior of this seemingly welcoming establishment lies a spine-tingling tale of terror.

Dorothea Helen Puente was the mastermind behind this “special” boarding house. You may be accustomed to hosts who greet you with a smile and freshly baked cookies, but Dorothea had her unique brand of hospitality. She would accept vulnerable elderly and mentally disabled tenants. However, her idea of making them feel at home was a lot more sinister than you can imagine.

Not everyone who stayed at Dorothea’s boarding house left with their lives intact. Those who dared to question her practices soon vanished without a trace. Imagine cashing Social Security checks belonging to the tenants while they mysteriously disappeared, never to be seen again. A sinister twist on the “home away from home” concept, wouldn’t you say?

Before we take a deep dive into Dorothea’s dark world, we’ll rewind the tape of her life to understand how this sinister saga unfolded. Her childhood was far from idyllic, shaped by abuse and tragedy. Her journey, filled with unbelievable twists and turns, led her to this chilling path of murder and deception.

For those who love true crime stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat, you won’t want to miss this gripping episode. We’ll explore Dorothea’s life, her criminal endeavors, and how she managed to operate her house of horrors right under everyone’s noses. The intrigue and secrets surrounding her story are just a taste of what’s in store.

So, do you have the courage to uncover the dark secrets that took place behind the walls of that ordinary boarding house in Sacramento? The only way to experience this bone-chilling journey is to listen to the latest episode of The Mikey Podcast. Get ready to be captivated, horrified, and left wanting more.

Don’t wait any longer. Click below to listen now, and prepare to be amazed by the true story of the “Grandma Serial Killer.”

[Listen to The Mikey Podcast]